Missouri - Pick 4 MO Midday & Evening

Past Results

Friday 28 Mar 2025
  • 4
  • 0
  • 7
  • 4
  • 1
  • 3
  • 1
  • 1

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16 h : 07 m : 23
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Winning Numbers

The Most Common Drawn Pick 4 MO Numbers - Hot Numbers
Drawn 1245 times
4 Days ago
25 Mar 2025
Drawn 1228 times
2 Days ago
27 Mar 2025
Drawn 1216 times
2 Days ago
27 Mar 2025
Drawn 1214 times
4 Days ago
25 Mar 2025
The Least Often Drawn Pick 4 MO Numbers - Cold Numbers
Drawn 1142 times
3 Days ago
26 Mar 2025
Drawn 1154 times
2 Days ago
27 Mar 2025
Drawn 1165 times
2 Days ago
27 Mar 2025
Drawn 1179 times
4 Days ago
25 Mar 2025
The statistics are generated from 2020 to the latest draw

Pick 4 MO

Pick 4 is straightforward and popular daily lottery game played in Missouri.

Draws take place twice a day. The MIDDAY draw is at 12:45 p.m. and the EVENING draw is at 8:59 p.m.

How much is a Missouri Pick 4 game?

Pick 4 has multiple entry options, with stakes costing $0.50 or $1.00.

A Wild Ball increases the odds of winning by adding an extra ball, but doubles the cost of your Pick 4 play to $1.00 or $2.00

EZ Match costs an additional $1.00, for an automatically selected set of numbers.

What is the Pick 4 top prize?

The top prize for a $1.00 play is $6000.

The top prize for a $0.50 play is $3000.

These payouts are for Exact Order combinations.

How to play and win Pick 4?

Players choose four numbers from 0 to 9.

Each number is chosen independently; it is therefore possible to select the same number more than once.

Depending on the type of bet, players can match specific numbers, exact positions or a combination of these in various orders.

  • Straight (exact order)
  • Box (any order)
  • Straight/Box (exact order or any order - for $1.00 wagers only)
  • Front Three
  • Back Three
  • Front Pair
  • Middle Pair
  • Back Pair
  • Combo (all possible four-number combinations for various payouts)

See below for an overview of bet types, including odds and prizes.

Bet Types, Odds and Payouts

Bet Type Odds Description Combination
Payout for $1.00 bet
STRAIGHT 1 in 10,000 Match numbers in Exact Order 1234 $6,000
BOX 1 in 2500 4-Way
(three same digits)

1222 1112
BOX 1 in 1667 6-Way
(two pairs of same digits)
1122 2211 $1,000
BOX 1 in 833 12-Way (two same digits) 1123 1223 $500
BOX 1 in 417 24-Way (four different digits) 1256 5689 4569 2367 $250
($0.50 each)
1 in 10,000 or
1 in 2500
(three same digits) Exact Order / Any Order
2555 9995 or 5255 9959 $3750
($0.50 each)
1 in 10,000 or 1 in 1667 6-Way
(two pairs of same digits) Exact Order / Any Order
1122 2211
1212 2121
$3500 or $500
($0.50 each)
1 in 10,000 or 1 in 833 12-Way (two same digits) Exact Order / Any Order 1223 1233 or 1232 1213 $3250 or $250
($0.50 each)
1 in 10,000 or 1 in 417 24-Way (four different digits) Exact Order / Any Order 1234 or 1324 $3125 or $125
1 in 1000 Exact Order
(first 3 digits only)
456X $600
1 in 1000 Exact Order
(last 3 digits only)
X789 $600
1 in 100 Exact Order
(first 2 digits only)
56XX $60
$1 BACK PAIR 1 in 100 Exact Order
(last 2 digits only)
XX89 $60
1 in 100 Exact Order
(middle 2 digits only)
X56X $60
COMBO 1 in 2500 $4 4-Way
(three same digits)
Any Order for fixed prize
1112 $6000
COMBO 1 in 1667 $6 6-Way
(two pairs of same digits)
Any Order for fixed prize
1122 $6000
COMBO 1 in 833 $12 12-Way (two same digits)
Any Order for fixed prize
1223 $6000
COMBO 1 in 417 $24 24-Way (four different digits)
Any Order for fixed prize
1234 $6000

How does the Wild Ball work in Missouri Pick 4?

Wild Ball replaces any of the winning Pick 4 numbers to generate additional winning combinations. The Wild Ball is drawn immediately following each Pick 4 draw.

It is possible to win multiple Wild Ball prizes during each prize draw.


Select 2-2-2-3, for example, as your Pick 4 numbers.

Next, choose a $1 BOX option and the Wild Ball.

In this example the winning numbers are 2-2-2-2, but the Wild Ball is 3.

Because the Wild Ball can replace any of the 2-2-2-2 numbers, possible combinations could be:

  • 3-2-2-2
  • 2-3-2-2 
  • 2-2-3-2
  • 2-2-2-3

This would pay out four Wild Ball combinations at $380 each, for an accumulated Wild Ball win of $1520 ($380 x 4).

Pick 4 with Wild Ball Odds and Payouts

Type of Match Odds Payout
In exact order
1 in 2500 $1500
$1 BOX
4-Way (3 same digits) In any order 1 in 625 $380
6-Way (two pairs of same digits) In any order 1 in 416.67 $250
12-Way (two same digits) In any order 1 in 208.33 $126
24-Way (for different digits) In any order 1 in 104.17 $62
($0.50 each)
4-Way (3 same digits) Exact order or any order Straight: 1 in 2500
Box: 1 in 625
Straight: $940
Box: $190
6-Way (two pairs of same digits) Exact order or any order Straight: 1 in 2500
Box: 1 in 416.67
Straight: $875
Box: $125
12-Way (two pairs of same digits) Exact order or any order Straight: 1 in 2500
Box: 1 in 208
Straight: $813
Box: $63
24-Way (for different digits) Exact order or any order Straight: 1 in 2500
Box: 1 in 104.17
Straight: $781
Box: $31
$1 FRONT 3 Exact order
(first 3 digits only)
1 in 250 $150
$1 BACK 3 Exact order
(last 3 digits only)
1 in 250 $150
$1 FRONT PAIR Exact order
(first 2 digits only)
1 in 25 $15
$1 BACK PAIR Exact order
(last 2 digits only)
1 in 25 $15
$1 MIDDLE PAIR Exact order
(middle 2 digits only)
1 in 25 $15
$4 4-Way
(3 same digits)
1 in 625 $1500
$6 6-Way (two pairs of same digits) 1 in 416.67 $1500
$12 12-Way (two same digits) 1 in 208.33 $1500
$24 24-Way (for different digits) 1 in 104.17 $1500


How does EZ Match work?

Instant is the name of the game!

With EZ Match, players can win instant cash for an extra $1.00 per Pick 4 play.

Each EZ Match purchase has its own separate ticket, with four numbers being automatically selected. No need to match specific numbering orders! 

Any numbers that match the selected Pick 4 numbers will generate an instant prize.

Quick Synopsis

Tickets cost $1.00 or $0.50.
$1.00 bets pay out twice as much.

EZ Match is available for additional instant prizes.

Draws take place twice daily at 12:45 p.m. and 8:59 p.m.

Tickets cannot be purchased from 12:45 to 12:59 p.m. / 8:59 p.m. to 21:15 p.m. / 2:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.

More info about daily lottery games in Missouri.

Interesting Facts

Pick 3 and Pick 4 have betting restrictions known as Liability Limits.

A Liability Limit stops too many players from choosing the same numbers, which could cause payout problems for the Missouri Lottery if there are too many identical selections.

For example:

With an upper payout limit of $1.5 million - if multiplied by thousands of exact-same bets - this would break the bank and make it impossible to pay.

You may therefore see a “Sell Out” message when trying to select specific numbers.